Dinosaurio! Raaaaah!

I probably shouldn’t post this picture yet. Because its nowhere near finished, but I’m impulsive, I want to write this, and I’ll post the finished version in a few weeks, so you’ll see the difference/development.

I show this painting to a couple of friends, and my daughter, to see what they think.
First, Dave, a friend from work for years, a 40-something Scot who sees the piper and thinks the painting may have something to do with Scottish independence, possibly? He thinks my paintings are a bit weird but he’s seen a few of them, so he’s not too surprised. But he likes the way the dinosaur looks, and the Frankenstein windup toy, and he remembers enjoying doing art at school.

Next to comment is an art tutor and lecturer that I’ve known for a long time, very hard working and serious about her artwork, and the significance of her work at subconscious, personal, social, and art historic levels. She works with text, performance art, Photoshoped collaged images evoking ideas of memory, perhaps lost notions of community, and she says, ‘are you still stuck doing this stuff….’

I’m looking at the painting thinking the piper needs a lot more tightening up, and the background, actually I like the colours mostly, I’m enjoying the glazing thing I’m working on just now, and are people getting the theme? If they do, does it matter? Its meaningful to me anyhow…and I just love painting anyway, and on and on and on

Last to comment is my daughter Lilia, who looks at the painting and shouts “Dinosaurio! Raaaaah!’

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