
Is it a problem that Wallberg’s peephole experience lacks the browneyness of a Titian?
Brown (adj.) O.E. brun “dark, dusky,” only developing a definite color sense 13c., from P.Gmc. *brunaz (cf. O.N. brunn, Dan. brun, O.Fris., O.H.G. brun, Du. bruin, Ger. braun), from PIE *bher- (3) “shining, brown” (cf. Lith. beras “brown”), related to *bheros “dark animal” (cf. beaver, bear (n.), and Gk. phrynos “toad,” lit. “the brown animal”).

There is an intentionality in the toady brown duskiness of a Titian. Something is being communicated here.

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