And yet, crucially, what else is happening

So, Wallinger’s reimagining of Titians Metamorphosis…. Yes, there is an element of voyeurism, and yet, crucially, what else is happening here?
Perhaps an interesting starting point should be the name Diana. Wallinger himself comments on our contemporary royal association with the name. And the ladies performing in his installation are named Diana, so where does this trail of significance lead us?
Diana’s symbol was the moon, and focal points in Titian’s Death of Actaeon, are her fleshy orb, echoed by the illuminating orb of the moon.
But Diana and Apollo represent dual meaning. Its interesting (odd) that Apollo (of the sun) was used to name the U.S. moon missions.

As Selena, or Luna, Diana represents the orb of the moon. As Helios, or Apollo, the sun.
As Artemis, Diana represents a life goddess reflected. Her multiple names thereby emphasise her omnipresense. A sense of multiplicity. Omnipresence in her multiplicity. Like Mr Smith in The Matrix, multiplying omniprescently, morphing into others, and perhaps anyone.
Which leads us to realise that there are multiple ways of understanding the various interpretations of Ovid’s Metamorphosis.

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